Organising Committee

AIComp 2025, is organised by the Bristol Composites Institute in collaboration with research and industry partners

Conference Chair:

  • Professor Michael Wisnom, Professor of Aerospace Structures, University of Bristol

Executive Co-chairs:

  • Dr. Iryna Tretiak, Lecturer in Composites Manufacture, University of Bristol

Executive Co-chairs:

  • Dr. Bassam El Said, Senior Lecturer in Digital Design and Manufacture of Composites

Scientific Committee

Professor Adam Sobey, Alan Turing Institute, UK

Bodo Fiedler, TU Hamburg, Germany

Carlos Gonzalez ,IMDEA/UPM Madrid, Spain

Francisco (Paco) Chinesta, Arts et Metier, France

Frans van der Meer, TU Delft, Netherlands

Giuseppe Catalanotti, Kore University of Enna, Italy

Jinglei Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Kate Robson-Brown, University College Dublin, Ireland

Kenton O’Hara, University of Bristol, UK

Laura De Lorenzis, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Martin Fagerström, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Miguel Bessa, Brown University, USA

Navid Zobeiry, University of Washington, USA

Oleksandr Kravchenko, Old Dominion University, USA

Paul Wilcox, University of Bristol, UK

Pavana Prabhakar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Pedro Camanho, University of Porto, Portugal

Pierre-Yves Mechin, Dassault Systèmes, France

Ramy Harik, Clemson University, USA

Reza Vaziri, University of British Columbia, Canada

Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Silvestre Pinho, Imperial College of London, UK

Simon Mcintosh-Smith, University of Bristol, UK

Stephane Bordas, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Tong-Earn Tay, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Wei Tan, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Yentl Swolfs, KU Leuven, Belgium

Local Organising Committee

  • Emma Woodland, Institute Manager, Bristol Composites Institute.
  • Dr Jonathan Belnoue, Senior Lecturer in Composites Process Simulation, University of Bristol.
  • Amit Visrolia, Chief Engineer – Digital Engineering, National Composites Centre